

These 10 Talksheets form a critical part of this Manhood Module. Watching the video series without prioritizing at least 30 minutes for each Talksheet would be like leaving the table after the appetizer was served and missing the main meal. After each of the five video sessions, complete the two associated Talksheets before watching the next session. Enjoy!

Session 1: Talksheet 1

Session 1 Talksheet 2

Session 2 Talksheet 3

Session 2 Talksheet 4

Session 3 Talksheet 5

Session 3 Talksheet 6

Session 4 Talksheet 7

Session 4 Talksheet 8

Session 5: Talksheet 9

Session 5: Talksheet 10

Promotional Material

PowerPoint Slide 4×3
PowerPoint Slide 16×9
Bulletin Insert
(open image, then right click and save as)